Sunday, March 14, 2010


I feel alive! Today is National Pi Day. I'm not talking pie, as in blueberry or apple. I'm talking that silly little mathematical symbol pi.

Now, I know we need math type of people, but come on, do we need a day celebrating pi? Who comes up with this crap? Al, does this have something to do with global warming?

I see that it is also National Potato Chip day. Now at least you can feed yourself with this one.

Now, if you peruse the following, tell me which ones you would actually celebrate:

Mon, 15th Mar:
Brutus Day

Ides of March

True Confessions Day

Birthday - President Andrew Jackson (7th President)

Admission Day (Maine)

Canberra Day (Australia)

Constitution Day (Belarus)

Tue, 16th Mar:
Black Press Day

Curlew Day

Freedom Of Information Day

Goddard Day

Lips Appreciation Day

Birthday - President James Madison (4th President)

I have decided to celebrate Curlew Day this Tuesday. Problem is, I have no freaking idea what a curlew is? And I have done my research. Look at the silly bird above. That is what I am celebrating.
I guess I appreciate that I have lips too. It would be tough to drink a pop without them, I guess.

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