Well, here we are with one of the most interesting bills ever passed by our elected officials. I by no means am a scholar who can look at this health care bill and decide if it is the best thing for our country. But also, I can read the thing and figure out what I think of it.So let's begin.
Read this and chuckle. Mikey is happy. Mikey is elated and euphoric. Mikey will eat anything. Oooops, wrong Mikey. I seem to be against anything Michael Moore is for. He loves to rub peoples noses in things. He is the guy who condemns capitalism, hates republicans or any type of conservative, yet makes bunches of money based on a capitalistic society. I would pay a lot more attention to him should he give all of his money to charity.
Who reading this doesn't believe that our insurance costs will rise and our coverage will get worse? One of my previous employers, Company X, insures the people that work there. Now, Company X is an evil company. Kind of like a cat who just caught a mouse or a bird. It toys with it, meaning their employees. So, Company X determines it costs them 1 million per year to cover its mice, I mean, employees. They then figure out that if they cancel their insurance, they will have to pay Pelosi, there I go again, the government a penalty and a tax. If this totals less than a million, guess what they will choose? My thoughts exactly. So all of the employees will be tossed into the pool to somehow find decent coverage provided by the government. Good luck former co-workers.
I am so sick of our elected officials, both democrat and republican. I am copying some poll figures of what the US citizens think of the bill that was just passed. I will post polls from both liberal and conservative pollsters to be fair.
Rasmussen Polls:
Date Mar 19-20
Favor 41%
Oppose 54%
Ha Ha! Did you really think I was posting a bunch of poll numbers? That one poll is enough for me. I did look at CNN, NBC/MSNBC, CBS, and Gallup and did not find anything that showed that the electorate (that's you and me) who favored this bill. So what does that tell you? Well, for 1 thing, it tells me that our elected officials are spineless. I have often wondered how they can stand straight or sit upright in a chair without a backbone. This shows me that Speaker Pelosi, who is from a state that is bankrupt, has some of the highest tax rates in the US, can force her issues and morals and ideas and mistakes on all of us. We need to vote every single person out of office. Did you notice that I said all of them? I am not gong to give a pass to anyone who votes "no" on this bill. They are all in it for the money and power. All of them need to go, from the top down.
This is one of many sites that has the right idea:
I am not recommending this site, only showing it as one of many that are popping up. Register to vote, each and every one of you. Then vote on election day. Last primary day was rainy and chilly, and there was a low voter turn out. What a bunch of pussies! Are you telling me that on a chilly, rainy day, you wouldn't go out for dinner or a movie or anything else? VOTE!! It is the most important thing you can do to end this madness. And let me reiterate, I am for all members of our elected officials to join the ranks of people without jobs. I will remind you though, that the huge majority of them (237 to quote a CBS News survey in 11/2009) are multi-millionaires. Think that this health care bill will affect them? Vote them out.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What's new you ask?
So, what's pissing me off today? Health care. I completely agree with certain folks that our health care system needs an overhaul. What absolutely terrifies me is our government effectively taking over health care and trying to tell us what is best for us. They have done so well with the social security system that I just can't believe that anyone thinks they can handle anything else. God help us.
Now, let's talk cats. I know that there are folks out there that say that their cats play with them, chase balls, etc. My thoughts on this are:
Since most pets do not have any type of income, they are not eligible for food stamps, public aid, etc.; we have to buy their food, groom them, take them to the vet, when I throw a ball or call their name, they better come a running to me. I have never had a dog that wouldn't do this. I also have never owned a cat, but I strongly doubt that the majority of cats would even lift their little heads and pay any attention to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I see it, and guess what, I know everything.
So, this brings us back to the health care issue. Why aren't our elected officials trying to do anything about pet insurance companies? We actually bought pet insurance for our dogs when they were pups. What an absolute waste of money. The policy cost us about 400 bucks for a year. Whenever we would submit a claim, for what we thought were covered items, and we were informed that the policy did not cover this. WTF? We would read the policy, find what the vet did, see that they covered the procedure, submit, get denied, try again, deny, well, you get the picture. Out of our 400 bucks, we were reimbursed for about 3 bucks. They had more excuses than Pelosi has had Botox. Complete waste of money.
So lets demand that Congress do something about this. Call your local Congress person, demand that they include a rider in the health care bill to stop the evil pet insurance companies, maybe tell them you hate cats, and see what happens.
Now, let's talk cats. I know that there are folks out there that say that their cats play with them, chase balls, etc. My thoughts on this are:
Since most pets do not have any type of income, they are not eligible for food stamps, public aid, etc.; we have to buy their food, groom them, take them to the vet, when I throw a ball or call their name, they better come a running to me. I have never had a dog that wouldn't do this. I also have never owned a cat, but I strongly doubt that the majority of cats would even lift their little heads and pay any attention to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I see it, and guess what, I know everything.
So, this brings us back to the health care issue. Why aren't our elected officials trying to do anything about pet insurance companies? We actually bought pet insurance for our dogs when they were pups. What an absolute waste of money. The policy cost us about 400 bucks for a year. Whenever we would submit a claim, for what we thought were covered items, and we were informed that the policy did not cover this. WTF? We would read the policy, find what the vet did, see that they covered the procedure, submit, get denied, try again, deny, well, you get the picture. Out of our 400 bucks, we were reimbursed for about 3 bucks. They had more excuses than Pelosi has had Botox. Complete waste of money.
So lets demand that Congress do something about this. Call your local Congress person, demand that they include a rider in the health care bill to stop the evil pet insurance companies, maybe tell them you hate cats, and see what happens.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Grocery shopping
So, since we weren't able to go grocery shopping on Saturday, we chose today to do it. We visit our local grocery store, and start to fill up our basket. We were in the need of some dog treats, and this local store has some great prices. Iams large dog biscuits, if you wanted to know. In a 4# box. Of course, there were none on the shelf. Voila! This store has a pretty red courtesy phone right by the pet supplies. I picked this germ infested phone up and was connected to the very friendly worker. He immediately paged the pet aisle guy to my location. Cool, thought I.
Well, this store also sells fish. Not the ones you would eat, but the ones you place in a tank and marvel at them swimming in circles. This store also must have a zillion of these little fish all swimming in their tanks. Well, my pet aisle guy was hijacked by 2 adult males who wanted 2 fish. I stood there in amazement while these 2 knotheads seemed to want to look at each and every fish, by themselves, in a little cup to, I guess, understand which one would look best in their tank at home. I'll be honest. I know jack about fish, just that they poop in the water.
However, the ones they were looking at appeared to me to look exactly the same. Clones! So the 2 fellas, after looking at a bajillion little fish, soon decided that they didn't have time to continue this folly, and not even thanking the man who was helping them, walked off. The pet guy shook his head, came over to me, apologized for the wait, and went in back to look for my dog treats. Guess what? They were out of them. My dogs are pissed. Wonder if they like little fish?
Well, this store also sells fish. Not the ones you would eat, but the ones you place in a tank and marvel at them swimming in circles. This store also must have a zillion of these little fish all swimming in their tanks. Well, my pet aisle guy was hijacked by 2 adult males who wanted 2 fish. I stood there in amazement while these 2 knotheads seemed to want to look at each and every fish, by themselves, in a little cup to, I guess, understand which one would look best in their tank at home. I'll be honest. I know jack about fish, just that they poop in the water.
However, the ones they were looking at appeared to me to look exactly the same. Clones! So the 2 fellas, after looking at a bajillion little fish, soon decided that they didn't have time to continue this folly, and not even thanking the man who was helping them, walked off. The pet guy shook his head, came over to me, apologized for the wait, and went in back to look for my dog treats. Guess what? They were out of them. My dogs are pissed. Wonder if they like little fish?
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
So now US citizens are being gunned down by the border. Mexican drug gangs seem to now feel it's the right thing to do. This makes me irate! I am not blaming the drugs on any Hispanics. I feel that the drug problem is caused by addiction. So don't jump on me with the "R" word. I mean racist for anyone who doesn't know.
My problem lies in our open border type of policy. The Mexican government demands that we allow an open door to anyone who is trying to sneak, oops, come into the US to better themselves. While they seem to be a bit hypocritical, the US is supposed to just go along with this. Why don't we all e-mail the Mexican president and inquire as to what exactly is their policy towards border management along their southern border? Let's check out a site and see what they say:
Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:
in the country legally;
have the means to sustain themselves economically;
not destined to be burdens on society;
of economic and social benefit to society;
of good character and have no criminal records; and
contributors to the general well-being of the nation. The law also ensures that:
immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
Is this all true? Hmmm......it seems that what is good for the goose should also be good for the gander. Wouldn't you think that if Mexico wanted an open border for its citizens, it should extend the same favor to anyone wanting to sneak, I mean enter Mexico? Let me say one thing very clearly...........the majority of individuals who choose to emigrate from a country and immigrate to another are doing so because their home countries are dirty, filthy, no way to provide for their families countries. If Mexico, or Pakistan, or the former USSR satellites are so great, why do people want to leave them? I haven't heard of too many people leaving the US to go to Uzbekistan or Tijuana.
Let's pose a question to the President of Mexico, Felipe De Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
What are you willing to do to not only improve your countries economy and living conditions, but also do you have plans to revamp and modernize the Mexican immigration policies to go along with what you demand the policies of the US are?
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
So now US citizens are being gunned down by the border. Mexican drug gangs seem to now feel it's the right thing to do. This makes me irate! I am not blaming the drugs on any Hispanics. I feel that the drug problem is caused by addiction. So don't jump on me with the "R" word. I mean racist for anyone who doesn't know.
My problem lies in our open border type of policy. The Mexican government demands that we allow an open door to anyone who is trying to sneak, oops, come into the US to better themselves. While they seem to be a bit hypocritical, the US is supposed to just go along with this. Why don't we all e-mail the Mexican president and inquire as to what exactly is their policy towards border management along their southern border? Let's check out a site and see what they say:
Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:
in the country legally;
have the means to sustain themselves economically;
not destined to be burdens on society;
of economic and social benefit to society;
of good character and have no criminal records; and
contributors to the general well-being of the nation. The law also ensures that:
immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
Is this all true? Hmmm......it seems that what is good for the goose should also be good for the gander. Wouldn't you think that if Mexico wanted an open border for its citizens, it should extend the same favor to anyone wanting to sneak, I mean enter Mexico? Let me say one thing very clearly...........the majority of individuals who choose to emigrate from a country and immigrate to another are doing so because their home countries are dirty, filthy, no way to provide for their families countries. If Mexico, or Pakistan, or the former USSR satellites are so great, why do people want to leave them? I haven't heard of too many people leaving the US to go to Uzbekistan or Tijuana.
Let's pose a question to the President of Mexico, Felipe De Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
What are you willing to do to not only improve your countries economy and living conditions, but also do you have plans to revamp and modernize the Mexican immigration policies to go along with what you demand the policies of the US are?

I feel alive! Today is National Pi Day. I'm not talking pie, as in blueberry or apple. I'm talking that silly little mathematical symbol pi.
Now, I know we need math type of people, but come on, do we need a day celebrating pi? Who comes up with this crap? Al, does this have something to do with global warming?
I see that it is also National Potato Chip day. Now at least you can feed yourself with this one.
Now, if you peruse the following, tell me which ones you would actually celebrate:
Mon, 15th Mar:
Brutus Day
Ides of March
True Confessions Day
Birthday - President Andrew Jackson (7th President)
Admission Day (Maine)
Canberra Day (Australia)
Constitution Day (Belarus)
Tue, 16th Mar:
Black Press Day
Curlew Day
Freedom Of Information Day
Goddard Day
Lips Appreciation Day
Birthday - President James Madison (4th President)
I have decided to celebrate Curlew Day this Tuesday. Problem is, I have no freaking idea what a curlew is? And I have done my research. Look at the silly bird above. That is what I am celebrating.
I guess I appreciate that I have lips too. It would be tough to drink a pop without them, I guess.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Census Idiocy
OK. So we have all heard the comedians ranting about the Census Bureau sending out letters, at our expense, to tell us that we will receive the actual census forms next week. Now, what idiot decided to waste our money to do this? This is a great example of the stupidity of our elected officials. Remember that November election time is rapidly approaching. Oh, and cats are stupid too!
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