Saturday, August 14, 2010


Tolerance. I hear people saying that we must be tolerant. And I always wonder why. If I don't agree with homosexuality, then I am not tolerant and must be a homophobe. If I don't agree with what the Obama administration is doing, then I must be racially intolerant. If I don't agree with the muslims building a mosque near ground zero, then I am religiously intolerant. So again, why? If I feel that homosexuality is wrong, that's my belief and opinion. If I don't agree with Obama's policies, I am simply stating I don't like his policies. And if I feel that the muslims should not build their mosque near ground zero, so be it.

If anyone is being intolerant regarding this mosque, it is the muslims associated with it. They have seen the public outcry, and still insist it is their duty and constitutional right to build this. Why not say, you know what, we feel that the memories of the fallen and murdered folks at the site are extremely important, and we have decided to change our plans. They may actually find some new friends in America with this type of attitude. However, they keep swinging this in all of our faces by demanding their constitutional right to build.

So, I will very clearly state my position and feeling on this:

I do not want a mosque build near the ground zero site. I also do not want the westboro baptist church building a church there. What would folks say if the chowderheads at westboro managed to buy some land near a military cemetery and want to build a church nearby? What would folks say if a skinhead group wanted to put up some kind of meeting hall next to a Jewish temple? What would a gay group say if some anti-gay group wanted to build some kind of meeting hall next to a gay bar? I bet the outcry would be loud. Probably hate filled too.

So effectively, leave me alone with "I need to be tolerant". I have my opinions, you have yours. So be it. I may not agree with what you are doing, and you can disagree with me. Fine.

One final thought. I have to say, I am embarrassed by our government. Our elected officials are just like cats....not really serving any purpose except to waste our time and money.